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$ "yedhin kizhakkethara"

A Unix zealot from ~/kochi/kerala who went down the Vim iconVim (opens in a new tab) rabbit hole and never quite found his way out. These days i've upgraded to Neovim iconNeovim (opens in a new tab), and the obsession with terminal-based workflows remains stronger than ever.

Currently coasting through my tech industry life(4.5 years) building scalable web apps with Rails (opens in a new tab)+React (opens in a new tab)+Postgres (opens in a new tab) and their friends, leading teams, mentoring developers, and occasionally breaking production (but fixing it before anyone notices).

Sometimes you'll find me live streaming (opens in a new tab) my adventures in code - everything from {ab,}using shell scripts, writing performant code, keeping things DRY, to showing folks why Neovim and file_type_vscodeVSCode (opens in a new tab) can actually be friends.

Started writing these rambling blog posts (opens in a new tab) about tech and life recently. Because apparently, writing code wasn't enough - i had to write about writing code too.

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